Stephen Hawking Quotes On Time

Base Photo via Lwp Kommunikáció at Flickr
Stephen William Hawking is a theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author of several books on science. He was the first to set forth a theory of cosmology explained by a union of the general theory of relativity (The theory by physicist Albert Einstein)  and quantum mechanics. His most famous work as of this point is A Brief History of Time where he discusses topics like how the universe began, how does time move, and if the Universe will end or not. Thus, here are a few quotes by Stephen Hawking on the subject of time. I hope you enjoy.

10. Time travel used to be thought of as just science fiction, but Einstein's general theory of relativity allows for the possibility that we could warp space-time so much that you could go off in a rocket and return before you set out.

9. Before 1915, space and time were thought of as a fixed arena in which events took place, but which was not affected by what happened in it. Space and time are now dynamic quantities... space and time not only affect but are also affected by everything that happens in the universe.

8. Up until the 1920s, everyone thought the universe was essentially static and unchanging in time.

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7. Time can behave like another direction in space under extreme conditions.

6. It now appears that the way the universe began can indeed be determined, using imaginary time.

Check out On The Shoulders of Giants at Amazon. About scientific discoveries that have changed our knowledge of the world.

5. Imaginary time is a new dimension, at right angles to ordinary, real time.

4. If I had a time machine, I'd visit Marilyn Monroe in her prime or drop in on Galileo as he turned his telescope to the heavens.

3. Our minds work in real time, which begins at the Big Bang and will end, if there is a Big Crunch - which seems unlikely, now, from the latest data showing accelerating expansion. Consciousness would come to an end at a singularity.

Photo via Billy Bob Bain at Flickr
2. I have wondered about time all my life.

1. If we do discover a complete theory, it should be in time understandable in broad principle by everyone. Then we shall all, philosophers, scientists, and just ordinary people be able to take part in the discussion of why we and the universe exist.

Check out The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow at Amazon. It presents scientific thinking about the nature of reality, why we are here, and other mysterious of space in language that non-scientist can understand.

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