Christmas Quotes

Happy Holidays to you all. To celebrate this act of kindness here are 10 quotes about the spirit of Christmas. I hope you enjoy!

10. God never gives someone a gift they are not capable of receiving. If he gives us the gift of Christmas, it is because we all have the ability to understand and receive it. - Pope Francis

9. Christmas is the spirit of giving without a thought of getting. It is happiness because we see joy in people. It is forgetting self and finding time for others. It is discarding the meaningless and stressing the true values. - Thomas S. Monson

8. Christmas is the day that holds all time together. - Alexander Smith

7. Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions of our childhood days, recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth, and transport the traveler back to his own fireside and quiet home! - Charles Dickens

6. Expectancy is the atmosphere for miracles. - Edwin Louis Cole

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5. Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it's Christmas. - Dale Evans

4. The excellence of a gift lies in its appropriateness rather than in its value. - Charles Dudley Warner

3. Christmas is a season not only of rejoicing but of reflection. - Winston Churchill

2. The two most joyous times of the year are Christmas morning and the end of school. - Alice

1 And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time. - Jesus Christ

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